kei (blue archive)
A character from Blue Archive. Depicted as being visually identical to Aris, with the difference being the glowing pink eyes and, sometimes, the red halo.
She is another personality that resides within Aris' mind, and is the representation of her original programming to carry out a genocidal campaign in the name of the "Nameless Priests" who created her. She will often refer to Aris as "Princess" in reference to this role. Originally she was referred to as <Key> as the program meant to unlock Aris' nature as the Princess of the Nameless Priests, but would be given the name of "Kei" during the events of Volume F as Aris accepted her as a part of her existence.
Due to her nature, fanart typically portrays her as having a more caustic or aggressive personality compared to the normally kind and curious Aris.
In Decagrammaton Chapter 2 "Sword of Flames" Kei has been revived and her consciousness was loaded onto a purpose-built AMAS robot produced by Rio.
The following tags are aliased to this tag: <key>_(blue_archive) (learn more).
在Decagrammaton中,第2章“火焰之剑” kei已恢复,她的意识被加载到了Rio生产的专门建造的Amas机器人上。