mon-musu quest!

A monster girl-themed eroge trilogy by Torotoro Resistance. The plot centers around Luka, a young boy who initially sets out to defeat the Monster Lord Alice. Along the way, he gets into many reverse rape / onee-shota situations caused by monster girls.

The first series consists of three chapters released separately. A three-chapter sequel called Mon-Musu Quest: Paradox is in development. Chapters 1 and 2 have been released, and chapter 3 is in development.

Illustrated by Alexi, d_am, Delphinus, Frfr, Soyosoyo, Iwashi no Atama, Jingai Modoki, Kenkou Cross, Kupala, setouchi, Un Do, Epee, Masha and Kanemaki Thomas, Yukimura Shinji and Xelvy.



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The following tags implicate this tag: mon-musu_quest:_paradox (learn more).

Torotoro阻力以怪物女孩为主题的Eroge三部曲。情节以卢卡为中心,卢卡(Luka)是一个小男孩,他最初着手击败怪物爱丽丝勋爵(Lord Alice)。一路上,他遇到了许多由怪物女孩造成的反向强奸 / Onee-shota情况。

第一个系列由单独发布的三章组成。一个叫做Mon-Musu Quest的三章续集:悖论正在开发中。第1章和第2章已发布,第3章正在开发中。

由Alexi,D_AM,Delphinus,Frfr,Soyosoyo,Iwashi No Atama,Jingai Modoki,Kenkou Cross,Kupala,Setouchi,Un Do,Epee,Masha,Masha和Kanemaki Thomas,Yukimura Shinji和Xelvy插图。
类型 unknown
英文名 mon-musu quest!
别名 もんむす・くえすと!;もんむす・くえすと;勇者大战魔物娘