renge (bishoujo mangekyou)

A character in the fifth (technically sixth) Bishoujo Mangekyou, Kotowari to Meikyuu no Shoujo (The Girl in The Labyrinth). She is a recurring character in previous games throughout the series.

Renge a girl who resides in a room filled with dolls. She appears to have the ability to project dreams onto people.

She has long black hair styled in a hime cut and headband, green eyes, and small breasts. Generally she wears a flower kimono or a white school uniform and black skirt.

第五个角色(技术上是第六个)Bishoujo Mangekyou,Kotowari到Meikyuu no Shoujo(迷宫中的女孩)。在整个系列赛中,她都是以前的游戏中的重复角色。


类型 角色
英文名 renge (bishoujo mangekyou)
日文名 蓮華
别名 ;蓮華(美少女万華鏡)