scylla (azur lane)

Azur Lane's personification of the Royal Navy light cruiser HMS Scylla (98). Depicted (post #6083252) as a maid with long white hair, red eyes, large breasts and black low wings. Character designed by Hagi and voiced by Takagi Miyu.


Dido-class light cruisers

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The following tags implicate this tag: scylla_(femme_fatale_fresher)_(azur_lane) (learn more).

《碧蓝航线》中皇家海军轻型巡洋舰 HMS Scylla (98) 的拟人化。被描绘(帖子#6083252)为一名女仆,有着长长的白发、红眼睛、大乳房和黑色低翼。角色由萩设计,高木美优配音。

类型 角色
英文名 scylla (azur lane)
日文名 シラ
别名 ;シラ(アズールレーン)