shinano (azur lane)

Azur Lane's personification of the Imperial Japanese Navy aircraft carrier Shinano.
Character design by Soaryuna, voiced by Noto Mamiko.

Shinano was introduced in Azur Lane as the first UR (Ultra-Rare) ship of the roster, by way of the Dreamwaker's Butterfly event on September 17, 2020.


See post #4118891.

In-game, Shinano is portrayed with very long white hair with fox features (ears and tail), and purple eyes. Her outfit is a traditional blue-white kimono with a white skirt and white thighhighs.

Her rigging consists of her real-life flight deck with several 25 mm triple AA mounts and 12 cm 28-tube rocket launchers on each side, while she has three katana on a hull accessory to her back. She also has moon phases floating around her as a reference to her in-lore ability to see across multiple timelines and the fact that she was historically sunk at night/early morning.


The historical Shinano was laid down May 4, 1940. She was originally planned to be the third Yamato-class battleship, but after the loss of the aircraft carriers Akagi, Kaga, Hiryuu, and Souryuu after the Battle of Midway she was converted into a supercarrier as her hull was partially incomplete.

In theory, Shinano was capable of fielding the largest airwing of any aircraft carrier constructed by the end of World War II and was kept secret as she was meant to be a strategic surprise. However, due to the advanced state of her construction as a battleship before conversion, Shinano has a disproportionally small organic air group size of 47 aircraft. Due to this, the IJN planned to use Shinano as a support carrier to tend the other fleet carrier's air wings, capable of stowing around 120 aircraft maximum.

Shinano was launched on October 8, 1944 (originally planned for May 1945, but her construction was expedited due to the loss of Shoukaku and Taihou in the Battle of the Philippine Sea, and commissioned November 19, 1944. Shinano was dispatched from Yokosuka to Kure with an inexperienced crew to finish her fitting out and embark her aircraft, but she was sunk en-route by USS Archerfish on November 29, 1944. Shinano was the largest warship ever sunk by a submarine.




External links

The following tags implicate this tag: shinano_(dreams_of_the_hazy_moon)_(azur_lane), shinano_(dreamy_white_sands)_(azur_lane), and shinano_(moonlit_chrome)_(azur_lane) (learn more).


信浓号是在 2020 年 9 月 17 日的梦醒者蝴蝶活动中作为第一艘 UR(超稀有)舰艇在碧蓝航线中推出的。


她的装备包括现实生活中的飞行甲板,两侧各有几个 25 毫米三联防空炮座和 12 厘米 28 管火箭发射器,而她背部的船体配件上有三把武士刀。她周围还漂浮着月相,作为她传说中跨越多个时间线的能力的参考,以及她历史上在夜间/清晨沉没的事实。

历史悠久的信浓号于 1940 年 5 月 4 日奠基。她原本计划成为第三艘大和级战列舰,但在中途岛海战中损失了赤城号、加贺号、飞龙号和苍龙号航空母舰后,她被改装成了一艘超级航母,因为她的船体部分不完整。

从理论上讲,信浓号能够部署二战结束时建造的所有航空母舰中最大的航空联队,但由于她的目的是带来战略奇袭,所以一直保密。然而,由于改装前作为战列舰的先进建造状态,信浓号的建制航空大队规模小得不成比例,只有 47 架飞机。因此,日本海军计划使用信浓航空母舰作为支援航母,以照顾另一支舰队航空母舰的机翼,最多可容纳 120 架飞机。

信浓号于1944年10月8日下水(原计划于1945年5月,但由于在菲律宾海海战中损失翔鹤号和太凤号而加速建造,并于1944年11月19日服役。信浓号从横须贺派遣到吴市1944 年 11 月 29 日,她由缺乏经验的船员完成装备并登上飞机,但在途中被射水鱼号航空母舰击沉。信浓号是有史以来被潜艇击沉的最大军舰。

以下标签暗示此标签:shinano_(dreams_of_the_hazy_moon)_(azur_lane)、shinano_(dreamy_white_sands)_(azur_lane) 和 shinano_(moonlit_chrome)_(azur_lane)(了解更多)。
类型 角色
英文名 shinano (azur lane)
日文名 信濃
别名 ;信濃(アズールレーン);信濃;鵗