formidable (azur lane)

Azur Lane's personification of the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Formidable. Character design by Kincora, voiced by Kugimiya Rie.


See post #3624855.

Her default outfit consists of a two-tone dress with white frills in a gothic lolita style, two-tone ribbons, and white pantyhose. Like her sisters, she has large breasts, with her outfit showing a generous amount of cleavage. She also has absurdly long grey hair in twintails. Due to one of her skills, which freezes enemies in place, players will frequently joke that she has access to the Stand 「The World」.

History and personality

Just before her launching ceremony in 1937, the wooden platforms supporting her hull collapsed under her own weight, killing one spectator and injuring 20 others. Formidable herself wasn't damaged, thus gaining the nickname "The Ship That Launched Herself". This event is referenced in several of her voicelines expressing that she doesn't like to be called "heavy" and that her friends and foes alike often make fun out of her "lumbering" body. This event is frequently parodied by the Azur Lane fanbase, often depicting her (or her huge breasts) to be immensely heavy and a cause of trouble to her or others. Alternatively, others have depicted her as a plump woman.



Illustrious-class aircraft carriers

Main group

Other In-Game Characters


External links

The following tags implicate this tag: formidable_(muse)_(azur_lane), formidable_(the_lady_of_the_beach)_(azur_lane), formidable_(the_lover's_heart_flutters_on_duty)_(azur_lane), and formidable_(timeless_classics)_(azur_lane) (learn more).

《碧蓝航线》中英国皇家海军航空母舰“强大”号的化身。角色设计由 Kincora 设计,钉宫理惠配音。


1937 年,就在她下水仪式之前,支撑她船体的木制平台因自身重量而倒塌,造成一名观众死亡、另外 20 人受伤。可畏号本身没有受损,因此获得了“自行下水的船”的绰号。她的一些声音中提到了这一事件,表达了她不喜欢被称为“沉重”,并且她的朋友和敌人经常取笑她“笨重”的身体。这一事件经常被碧蓝航线的粉丝们戏仿,经常将她(或她巨大的乳房)描绘成非常沉重,给她或其他人带来麻烦。或者,其他人将她描绘成一个丰满的女人。

以下标签暗示此标签:formidable_(muse)_(azur_lane)、formidable_(the_lady_of_the_beach)_(azur_lane)、formidable_(the_lover's_heart_flutters_on_duty)_(azur_lane) 和 formidable_(timeless_classics)_(azur_lane)(了解更多)。
类型 角色
英文名 formidable (azur lane)
日文名 フォーミダブル
别名 可畏号;formidable;フォーミダブル;フォーミダブル(アズールレーン);可畏;可畏(碧蓝航线)