plymouth (azur lane)

Azur Lane's personification of the Royal Navy light cruiser HMS Plymouth, as part of the World of Warships collaboration.
Character design by Ohisashiburi, voiced by Murakami Manatsu.


See post #5507401 for full rig and post #5533443 for solo.

Plymouth represents the original plans for Edinburgh and Belfast, armed with four quad 152mm guns and an expanded hull. Ultimately, development of the quad mount never finished due to gunnery and weight issues. Like other British/Royal Navy Light Cruisers, she is only equipped with Short Fuse AP Shells.

Her physical attributes are long light purple hair, purple eyes, and large breasts. Her default outfit consists of a white dress, white high heels with wings, and a red ribbon on her right arm.

Her rigging consists of a large floral white ring to her back, black wings, a secondary set of white wings, her four 152 mm quad mounts arranged two each per side, and two 533 mm quad torpedo tubes arranged one per side.


External links

The following tags implicate this tag: plymouth_(heart-throbbing_refreshment)_(azur_lane) (learn more).


普利茅斯代表了爱丁堡和贝尔法斯特的最初计划,配备四门四联装 152 毫米火炮和扩大的船体。最终,由于射击和重量问题,四联装的开发从未完成。与其他英国/皇家海军轻巡洋舰一样,她仅配备短引信 AP 弹。


她的装备包括背上的一个大花白色环、黑色机翼、第二套白色机翼、每侧各两个的四个 152 毫米四联装,以及每侧各一个的两个 533 毫米四联装鱼雷发射管。

类型 角色
英文名 plymouth (azur lane)
日文名 プリマス
别名 ;プリマス(アズールレーン);普利茅斯