7th dragon

A 2009 JRPG developed by imageepoch and published by SEGA for Nintendo DS. It was directed by Kazuya Niinou, who also directed Sekaiju no Meikyuu 1, giving the games many similarities.


Each class has two male and two female appearances (except the Princess, which is all female). Although they can be named by the player, they have default names which can be used to distinguish them.


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This tag implicates 7th_dragon_(series) (learn more).

由 imageepoch 开发并由 SEGA 为 Nintendo DS 发行的 2009 年日式角色扮演游戏。该游戏的导演是《世界树的名曲 1》的新能和也,因此这两款游戏有很多相似之处。

类型 版权&品牌
英文名 7th dragon
日文名 セブンスドラゴン
别名 7th dragon;セブンスドラゴン