date a live

A light novel series written by Tachibana Koushi and illustrated by Tsunako.

In the future, spherical so-called "space quakes" have destroyed a great part of Earth's landmass. In response militaries and scientific communities all over the world have worked together to find out the origin of the occurrences, to little effect.

Enter Itsuka Shidou, a young man of above average skill in school but no experience with girls. By accident he stays near the area that was just ravaged by a space quake, only to find a girl in a warrior dress who threatens to kill him. Before he can say much, she disappears. Afterward he learns that she, among others, is a spirit. Spirits come from another world and cause destruction whenever they enter the human world. Shidou is now given a choice to see how the military kills spirits, or take another option: date the spirits, make them fall in love with and surrender their powers to him so they can live among humans without fear of being hunted.

A very dating sim-like adventure begins for Shidou.





The following tags implicate this tag: date_a_live:_arusu_install, date_a_live:_date_a_bullet, date_a_live:_ren_dystopia, date_a_live:_rinne_utopia, date_a_live:_spirit_pledge, date_a_live:_twin_edition_rio_reincarnation, gekijouban_date_a_live:_mayuri_judgement, and majutsu_tantei_tokisaki_kurumi_no_jikenbo (learn more).


输入Itsuka Shidou,这是一个在学校技能高于平均水平的年轻人,但没有女孩的经验。偶然地,他留在刚刚被太空地震摧毁的地区附近,却找到一个威胁要杀死他的战士连衣裙的女孩。在他说太多之前,她消失了。之后,他得知她和其他人是一种精神。精神来自另一个世界,每当他们进入人类世界时造成破坏。现在,Shidou可以选择看到军队如何杀死精神,或采取另一种选择:与精神约会,使他们爱上并向他投降自己的力量,以便他们可以在人类中生活,而不必担心被狩猎。

以下标签暗示此标签:date_a_live:_arusu_install,date_a_live:_date_a_bullet,date_a_live:_ren_dystopia,date_a_live:_rinne_utopia,_rinne_utopia,date_a__a______________________________ppirit__pleded,date__a_a_a_a_a_a_a_a_a rio:riii:rio:riii:rii:rii virio:rio:or rio:or rio:or rii vin, gekijouban_date_a_live:_mayuri_judgement和majutsu_tantei_tokisaki_kurumi_kurumi_no_jikenbo(了解更多)。
类型 版权&品牌
英文名 date a live
日文名 デート・ア・ライブ
别名 Date a Live;约会大作战;デート・ア・ライブ;DATEALIVE;デート·ア·ライブ;约会大作战;DATE・A・LIVE