Deltarune is a game by Undertale creator Toby Fox that was revealed as an unannounced surprise on October 31, 2018, with its first chapter released on that day and the second on September 17, 2021, each for free. It is planned to have several chapters.
While the game does feature appearances of characters from Undertale in similar roles, Toby Fox has stated that Deltarune has no connections with Undertale's story and is a separate continuity.
Minor Recurring
Other Light World
- Toriel
- Asgore Dreemurr
- Chief Undyne
- Alphys
- Monster Kid
- Snowdrake
- Temmie
- Catty
- Catti
- Bratty
- Sans
- Burgerpants
- Onionsan
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
External links
- Official site:
Deltarune是Undertale Creator Toby Fox的一場遊戲,該遊戲于2018年10月31日被揭示爲未經宣布的驚喜,其第一章于當天發布,第二章于2021年9月17日發行,每章都免費。計劃有幾章。
盡管該遊戲确實以類似角色的角色出現了角色的外觀,但托比·福克斯(Toby Fox)表示,Deltarune與Undertale的故事沒有任何聯系,并且是單獨的連續性。
盡管該遊戲确實以類似角色的角色出現了角色的外觀,但托比·福克斯(Toby Fox)表示,Deltarune與Undertale的故事沒有任何聯系,并且是單獨的連續性。