funami yui

The cool-headed voice of reason in Yuru Yuri. She is a reliable and mature person who usually lives alone in an apartment complex, but actually feels lonely without anyone else around. Although generally quiet, she will sometimes burst into laughter upon hearing Sugiura Ayano's puns. She is sometimes stressed by one of her childhood friends Toshinou Kyouko. Akaza Akari is also a childhood friend of her's.

Yuru Yuri 中冷静的理性声音。她是一个可靠又成熟的人,平时一个人住在公寓里,但身边没有其他人的时候却感到孤独。虽然平时很安静,但有时听到杉浦绫乃的双关语,也会放声大笑。有时,她的童年好友 Toshinou Kyouko 会给她带来压力。赤座明里也是她的儿时好友。
类型 角色
英文名 funami yui
别名 funami yui;船見結衣;船見結衣