izumi sagiri

Eromanga-sensei character. The titular artist making illustrations for a light novel series made by her older stepbrother, Masamune. Sagiri's (Eromanga-sensei) illustrations are drawn by tiv for the anime.

She has grey or aqua low-tied long hair fitted with pink hair bows and blue or aqua eyes. Often seen in her pajamas or a blue jacket, accompanied with a headset, stylus and tablet.

eromanga-sensei角色。名义上的艺术家为她的年长的继兄弟Masamune制作的简单小说系列插图。 TIV为动漫绘制了Sagiri(Eromanga-sensei)插图。

类型 角色
英文名 izumi sagiri
日文名 和泉紗霧
别名 sagiri izumi;いずみ さぎり;和泉紗霧;紗霧;和泉纱雾
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