katsuragi lilja

Character from Gakuen Idolmaster. A new student from overseas, Sweden. Shiun Sumika is her best friend.

She has blue eyes and short grey hair with a half up ribbon braid, though the ribbon is sometimes drawn as blue streaked hair by artists.

Her typical outfit consists of the Hatsuboshi Gakuen school uniform with a off-white jacket instead of the standard vest.


External links

来自Gakuen Idolmaster的角色。来自海外的新学生,瑞典。 Shiun Sumika是她最好的朋友。


她的典型服装由Hatsuboshi Gakuen校服和灰白色外套而不是标准背心组成。
类型 unknown
英文名 katsuragi lilja
别名 葛城リーリヤ