kikyou (blue archive)

Kiryuu Kikyou (桐生キキョウ) is one of the students studying in Hyakkiyako Alliance Academy who wields a Sniper Rifle.

She is a member of the Hyakkaryouran Conflict Resolution Council.

The following tags are aliased to this tag: kiryuu_kikyou (learn more).

Kiryuu Kikyou (桐生キキョウ) is one of the students studying in Hyakkiyako Alliance Academy who wields a Sniper Rifle.
类型 角色
英文名 kikyou (blue archive)
日文名 桐生キキョウ
别名 ;キキョウ(ブルーアーカイブ);キキョウ;桐生キキョウ