
Also known by QB, Kyubey is one of the main characters and later revealed as the main antagonist from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.

They are a "Messenger of Magic" (魔法の使者 mahou no shisha) who grants the wishes of young girls, but in exchange contracts their services as Puella Magi (魔法少女, mahou shoujo, lit. Magical Girls). Girls who form a contract with them are tasked to defeat Witches -- bizarre entities that feed upon the hopes and dreams of normal people.

However, unbeknownst to the Magical Girls, Witches were actually a corrupted form of Magical Girls who were either killed in battle or eventually have their Soul Gem tainted over time and transforms into Grief Seed after consecutive encounters with Witches. Kyubey intentionally withheld this specific detail to create a millennia of cycle of war between Magical Girls and Witches in order to harvest the magical energy of these clashes for the benefit of their race. Their indifference to death and suffering upon the revelation of this fact upon Kaname Madoka has led to fans creating numerous hate arts subjecting them to various physical abuses.

Kyubey is a four legged, white, fox-like alien with round red eyes, and the unchanging facial expression /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\. Appearance and name share an affinity with kyuubi.

Voiced by Katou Emiri (Japanese) / Cassandra Lee Morris (English).


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The following tags are aliased to this tag: kyuubee and kyuubey (learn more).

久兵卫也被 QB 所熟知,是《魔法少女小圆》中的主角之一,后来被揭露为主要反派。

她们是“魔法使者”(魔法の使者 mahou no shisha),满足少女们的愿望,但作为交换,她们以“魔法少女”(Puella Magi)的身份提供服务。与她们签订契约的女孩们的任务是打败女巫——一种以普通人的希望和梦想为食的奇怪实体。


Kyubey 是一个四足、白色、狐狸般的外星人,长着圆圆的红眼睛,面部表情一成不变/人◕‿‿◕人\。外貌和名字都与九尾有着密切的关系。
类型 unknown
英文名 kyubey
别名 キュゥべえ;QB