school uniform

Uniforms commonly worn by students of various grades depending on the country; in Japan, they're mostly worn by middle school and high school students. The two most common designs are serafuku and blazer. Common accessories can include: sweater, cardigan, sweater vest, thighhighs, kneehighs. A gakuran is a popular uniform worn by boys. A common footwear for both genders while in school is the uwabaki.

All *_school_uniform tags automatically add the school uniform tag.


The following tags are aliased to this tag: school_girl, school_uniforms, schoolgirl, and seifuku (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: gakuran, kamiyama_high_school_uniform_(hyouka), kamiyama_high_school_uniform_(project_sekai), and serafuku (learn more).

不同国家不同年级学生普遍穿着的校服;在日本,它们主要由中学生和高中生穿着。两种最常见的设计是 Serafuku 和西装外套。常见配饰可包括:毛衣、开衫、毛衣背心、长筒袜、及膝袜。学兰是男孩们普遍穿着的制服。在学校里,男女通用的鞋是 uwabaki。

以下标签是此标签的别名:school_girl、school_uniforms、schoolgirl 和 seifuku(了解更多)。

以下标签暗示此标签:gakuran、kamiyama_high_school_uniform_(hyouka)、kamiyama_high_school_uniform_(project_sekai) 和 serafuku(了解更多)。
类型 其他
英文名 school uniform
日文名 学生服
别名 女高中生;女子高生;JK;DK;学生服;女子高生;JK;DK;学校制服;制服裸足;せいふく;校服