amatsuka uto

Amatsuka Uto (天使うと) is an indie Virtual YouTuber. Designed by Nabi and rigged by takeka fungi.

On April 6th, 2023, she announced that she would be suspending all her activities after April 25th, with her indefinite hiatus beginning on the 30th. While initially planning to retire from VTubing in the months after her hiatus, she was scouted by VOICE-ORE in December 2023 and unsuspended her activities.


See post #4255117 for default and post #4581208 for second outfit.

She has blue eyes, small breasts, and long blue hair with two small twintails tied up by angel wings, a pair of silver hairclips on her right side and a curling ahoge around her head resembling a halo. Her clothes consist of a layered white and blue flowing halter dress decorated with various ribbons and detached sleeves that cover her hands.

External links

Amatsuka Uto(天使うと)是一位独立虚拟 YouTuber。由 Nabi 设计并由 takeka fungus 操纵。

2023年4月6日,她宣布将暂停4月25日之后的所有活动,并从4月30日开始无限期休息。虽然最初计划在中断几个月后从 VTubing 退休,但她于 2023 年 12 月被 VOICE-ORE 发掘并取消了活动。

类型 角色
英文名 amatsuka uto
日文名 天使うと
别名 ;天使うと;utoart