
A source of edible nourishment for humans, animals, and plants.
Tag will obviously be used when there are edibles in the presence of characters.
Food tag can cover all types of edibles when there is an abundance of individual foods in the image.


The following tags implicate this tag: aburaage, anpan, bacon, baozi, bread, burger, butter, cake, candy, candy_apple, cheese, cheesecake, chicken_(food), chikuwa, chips_(food), chocolate_cornet, cookie, cracker, cream_puff, crepe, croissant, cupcake, curry, dessert, doughnut, dumpling, egg_(food), flipping_food, food_art, food_insertion, food_on_face, food_on_head, french_fries, fried_rice, fruit, gyuudon, ham, holding_food, ice_cream, in_food, japari_bun, jerky, kamaboko, kebab, macaron, mapo_tofu, marshmallow, meat, meatball, mochi, mont_blanc_(food), muffin, nattou, noodles, oden, okonomiyaki, omelet, onigiri, pancake, pasta, pastry, pie, pizza, pocky, popcorn, popsicle, pretzel, pudding, sandwich, sashimi, sausage, senbei, shaved_ice, soup, star-shaped_food, steak, sukiyaki, sushi, sweet_potato, sweets, takoyaki, takuan, tart_(food), tempura, tofu, turkey_(food), umaibou, vegetable, wafer, waffle, wagashi, yakitori, and zongzi (learn more).


以下标签暗示了该标签:aburaage、anpan、bacon、baozi、bread、burger、butter、cake、candy、candy_apple、cheese、cheesecake、chicken_(food)、chikuwa、chips_(food)、chocolate_cornet、cookie、cracker、cream_puff , 绉纱, 羊角面包, 纸杯蛋糕, 咖喱, 甜点, 甜甜圈, 饺子, Egg_(food), Flipping_food, food_art, food_insertion, food_on_face, food_on_head, french_fries, 炒饭, 水果, gyuudon, 火腿, Holding_food, 冰淇淋, in_food, japari_bun, 肉干,鱼糕、烤肉串、马卡龙、麻婆豆腐、棉花糖、肉类、肉丸、年糕、勃朗峰_(食品)、松饼、纳豆、面条、关东煮、御好烧、煎蛋卷、饭团、煎饼、意大利面、糕点、馅饼、披萨、百奇、爆米花、冰棒, 椒盐卷饼, 布丁, 三明治, 生鱼片, 香肠, 仙贝, 刨冰, 汤, 星形食品, 牛排, 寿喜烧, 寿司, 红薯, 甜点, 章鱼烧, takuan, 挞_(食品), 天妇罗, 豆腐, 火鸡_(食品), umaibou 、蔬菜、威化饼、华夫饼、和果子、烤鸡肉串和粽子(了解更多)。
类型 unknown
英文名 food
别名 食べ物;食品