gabriel dropout

A manga series written and illustrated by ukami, about an angel who forgets her mission to learn about Earth and becomes a lazy gamer, with other angels and demons coming along for the ride. Received an anime adaptation for the Winter 2017 season. Eventually collected enough supporting characters in the junior class that they got a spinoff manga, Tapris Sugar Step.

List of characters
Main characters
Junior students (main cast of spinoff)
Supporting characters

由 ukami 创作和绘制的漫画系列,讲述了一位天使忘记了了解地球的使命,并成为一名懒惰的游戏玩家,其他天使和恶魔也随之而来的故事。获得 2017 年冬季动画改编版。最终在初级班收集了足够的配角,他们得到了衍生漫画《Tapris Sugar Step》。
类型 版权&品牌
英文名 gabriel dropout
日文名 ガヴリールドロップアウト
别名 gabriel dropout;ガヴリールドロップアウト;ガヴリールドロップアウト;ガヴドロ;ガヴリールドロップアウトガヴドロ;ガヴリールドロップアート