
Idolmaster (アイドルマスター, stylized as iDOLM@STER ) is a 2005 video game series by Namco (later Bandai Namco, originally released for the arcade and subsequently for multiple platforms including Xbox 360, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PC. The game follows the career of a producer from the 765 Production studio handling ten young idols.

Eventually adapted into mutliple manga, a 2007 mecha re-imagining by Sunrise, Idolmaster Xenoglossia, and a more faithful 2011 anime which precedes the events of Idolmaster 2. The series has also spawned three mobile game spinoffs that focus on new groups of idols: Idolmaster Cinderella Girls, Idolmaster Million Live!, and Idolmaster Side-M. It has also spawned a HTML5 platform game spinoff, Idolmaster Shiny Colors.


  • 961 Production, other rivals

Other Characters

See each spinoff series page for a full list of characters in that series.

Clothes Sets and Outifts (765; some seen in other series)

Songs (765)

Games (765 branch)


External links

The following tags are aliased to this tag: idol_master, idolm@ster, and the_idolmaster (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: gakuen_idolmaster, idolmaster_(classic), idolmaster_cinderella_girls, idolmaster_dearly_stars, idolmaster_million_live!, idolmaster_poplinks, idolmaster_relations, idolmaster_shiny_colors, idolmaster_side-m, idolmaster_starlit_season, idolmaster_va-liv, and idolmaster_xenoglossia (learn more).

《偶像大师》(aidorumasuta,风格化为 iDOLM@STER )是 Namco(后来的 Bandai Namco)于 2005 年推出的视频游戏系列,最初面向街机发布,随后面向多个平台发布,包括 Xbox 360、PlayStation Portable、Nintendo DS、PS3、PS4、PS5、该游戏讲述了 765 Production 工作室的制作人处理十位年轻偶像的职业生涯。

最终改编成多部漫画,包括 Sunrise 于 2007 年重新设计的机甲、《偶像大师 Xenoglossia》,以及《偶像大师 2》事件之前的更忠实的 2011 年动画。该系列还催生了三部专注于新偶像群体的手机游戏衍生作品:《偶像大师》 《灰姑娘女孩》、《偶像大师百万现场!》和《偶像大师 Side-M》。它还催生了 HTML5 平台的衍生游戏《偶像大师闪亮色彩》。

以下标签是此标签的别名:idol_master、idolm@ster 和 the_idolmaster(了解更多)。

以下标签暗示此标签:gakuen_idolmaster、idolmaster_(classic)、idolmaster_cinderella_girls、idolmaster_dearly_stars、idolmaster_million_live!、idolmaster_poplinks、idolmaster_relations、idolmaster_shiny_colors、idolmaster_side-m、idolmaster_starlit_season、idolmaster_va-liv 和idolmaster_xenoglossia(了解更多)。
类型 版权&品牌
英文名 idolmaster
日文名 アイドルマスター
别名 the_idolmaster;idol_master;アイドルマスター;idolm@ster;theidolm@ster;im@s;アイマス;アイドルマスタ