kamishirasawa keine

"The History Eater"

Stage 3 mid-boss and boss as well as Extra Stage mid-boss of Touhou's Imperishable Night.

A were-hakutaku and schoolteacher with the ability to consume the history of Gensokyo's Human Village to protect it from malicious youkai. Normally she has bluish-white hair and matching blue dress, except during a full moon when her hair becomes greenish-white, her dress turns green, and she grows horns. In this form, she can create and alter history.

Doujin works portray her as a teacher for some of the "child" characters in the series by whom she is feared for her punishment - a headbutt. She is also seen tutoring to Team 9 with predictable results. In canon, however, while she is a schoolteacher, she refuses to teach youkai. She is also a good friend to Fujiwara no Mokou. Many fans often pair her with Morichika Rinnosuke either as a childhood friend or a colleague due to their similar status as half-youkai.


Person: red eyes, long hair, two-tone hair, white hair, blue hair, sidelocks, bangs
Clothing: blue headwear, blue dress, collared dress, puffy short sleeves, red neckerchief, blue skirt, white legwear, bobby socks, black footwear, shoes
Accessories: footwear bow, red bow


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同人作品将她描绘成该系列中一些“儿童”角色的老师,这些角色担心她会受到头撞的惩罚。她还为Team 9 辅导,结果可想而知。然而,在经典中,虽然她是一名教师,但她拒绝教授妖怪。她也是藤原莫红的好朋友。由于半妖怪的身份相似,许多粉丝经常将她与森亲凛之介视为儿时好友或同事。

类型 角色
英文名 kamishirasawa keine
日文名 上白沢慧音
别名 ;上白沢慧音;上白泽慧音;카미시라사와케이네;케이네;慧音