koshigaya natsumi

A main character from Non Non Biyori. Voiced by Sakura Ayane.

She has blue eyes, and brown/orange hair with a short ponytail. She also wears the Asahigaoka school uniform when attending school. She's taller than her very short older sister Koshigaya Komari, but shorter than the younger but overdeveloped Ichijou Hotaru.

She is a bad student and a troublemaker compared to her more straight-laced sister. She's more emotionally mature than the easily upset Komari, but is childishly irresponsible and often acts lazy. She often pesters her older sister and sometimes treats her like a child; however, deep down she still respects her older sister.

Like Miyauchi Renge, she sometimes calls Komari "Koma-chan"; however, this is generally intended as pestering. Normally she simply calls Komari "onee-chan".

In season one it's revealed that she used to have a childhood crush on her older brother Koshigaya Suguru.




类型 角色
英文名 koshigaya natsumi
日文名 越谷夏海
别名 ;越谷夏海