
A visual novel revolving around Sayori's original cat girl characters. Localized to English by Sekai Project.

So far, there are three "episodes" in the series:

Episode 0

Episode 0, which is counter-intuitively the second novel released, is a short "fandisk" that takes place before the events of episode 1, and gives the player character's sister a much larger role. It's also somewhat of a showcase of new features not present in the first game, which include the ability to directly interact with the cast by clicking on them.

Episode 1

Episode 1, the first novel released, centers on the characters Chocola and Vanilla, whom the main character lives with, sleeps with and eventually has sex with. While Chocola and Vanilla are the main characters, the novel also includes a supporting cast of four other cat girls and the player character's sister.

Episode 2

Episode 2, the third novel released, adds Coconut and Azuki to the center character group. The two were formerly members of the supporting cast.

An otome game spinoff titled Nekopara - Catboys Paradise was released in 2021. The spinoff was originally presented simply as an April Fool's joke in 2019, but due to unexpected high demand, it would later be made into a full game.


External links

围绕纱世里原创猫女角色展开的视觉小说。由 Sekai Project 本地化为英语。

与直觉相反的是,第 0 集是发布的第二部小说,是一个简短的“粉丝集”,发生在第 1 集的事件之前,并赋予玩家角色的妹妹一个更大的角色。这也在某种程度上展示了第一款游戏中没有的新功能,其中包括通过点击演员直接与演员互动的能力。

第 1 集是第一部发行的小说,以 Chocola 和 Vanilla 为中心,主角与他们一起生活、睡觉并最终发生性关系。虽然巧克力和香草是主角,但小说中还包括其他四位猫女孩和玩家角色的妹妹等配角。

第 2 集是第三部小说,将椰子和小豆添加到中心角色组中。两人以前都是配角。

乙女游戏衍生作品《Nekopara - Catboys Paradise》于 2021 年发布。该衍生作品最初只是作为 2019 年愚人节玩笑推出,但由于需求量出人意料的高涨,后来被制作成完整游戏。
类型 版权&品牌
英文名 nekopara
别名 巧克力与香子兰;貓娘樂園;猫娘乐园;ネコぱら