new year

This tag refers to any image relating to celebration of the first day of the new year on the Gregorian calendar. It's become a tradition for many Japanese artists to celebrate the new year by drawing girls clad in expensive kimono, eating zouni soup, carrying hamaya (a Shinto ward against evil and bad luck) and playing hanetsuki.

Many artists also pay tribute to the Chinese zodiac by incorporating whatever animal corresponds to the year. For example, 2015 was the year of the goat (sometimes also called year of the sheep), while 2011 was the year of the rabbit, 2012 was the year of the dragon, 2013 was the year of the snake, 2014 was the year of the horse and 2016 was the year of the monkey. It should be noted that the Chinese new year is not on January 1 of the Gregorian calendar, but instead varies from one year to the next (falling in either late January or early February). The year of the horse, for example, begins January 31, 2014. Despite this, images utilizing the animal of an upcoming Chinese New Year tend to begin appearing around January 1, as Japan uses the same zodiac but does not use the Chinese Lunar calendar.

The typical way of telling if an image is celebrating the New Year is by the phrase 謹賀新年 (kinga shinnen, literally "happy new year") or by one or both of the more traditional greeting exchanges (shortened as akeome and kotoyoro). It is also common for New Year images to include "Happy New Year" in English text, and/or the number of the year. Text indicating a new year related image may also be absent from the image itself but present in Pixiv tags/artist commentary, website text, etc.

List of Chinese zodiac years


The following tags are aliased to this tag: new_years and newyear (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: hatsumoude, kotoyoro, and nengajou (learn more).


许多艺术家还通过融入与年份相对应的任何动物来向中国生肖致敬。例如,2015年是山羊年(有时也称为羊年),而2011年是兔年,2012年是龙年,2013年是蛇年,2014年是蛇年。属马,2016 年是猴年。需要注意的是,中国的新年不是公历的1月1日,而是每年的不同月份(1月下旬或2月初)。例如,马年从 2014 年 1 月 31 日开始。尽管如此,利用即将到来的农历新年的动物图像往往会在 1 月 1 日左右开始出现,因为日本使用相同的生肖,但不使用中国农历。

判断图像是否正在庆祝新年的典型方法是通过短语“谨贺新年”(kinga shinnen,字面意思是“新年快乐”)或通过一种或两种更传统的问候语交流(缩写为 akeome 和 kotoyoro)。新年图像通常包含英文文本“新年快乐”和/或年份数字。指示新年相关图像的文本也可能不存在于图像本身中,但存在于 Pixiv 标签/艺术家评论、网站文本等中。
类型 unknown
英文名 new year
别名 新年;正月;お正月;賀正;お正月イラスト;HappyNewYear