
A pair of games published by Square Enix.

  • NieR Gestalt - Features an older Nier as Yonah's father; released outside Japan as NIER. Xbox 360 exclusive in Japan, available on both consoles overseas.
  • NieR RepliCant - Features a young Nier as Yonah's brother; exclusive to Japan. PlayStation 3 exclusive, used as the base for the 2021 remake released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.


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The following tags are aliased to this tag: nier_gestalt and nier_replicant (learn more).

This tag implicates nier_(series) (learn more).

类型 未定义
英文名 nier
日文名 ニーア
别名 Nier;ニーア;ニーアゲシュタルト;ニーアレプリカント