
A crowdfunding platform website popular with YouTube content creators, musicians, and webcomic artists. It allows artists to obtain funding from their fans or patrons, on a recurring basis, or per artwork. Has garnered much controversies as it allowed to posting adult content independently with barely no restrictions.

Mainly used by Western/Non-Japanese artists.

On Danbooru, this should be used for a fictionalized representation of Patreon such as its mascot or a "-tan" of which one is not yet known. The original tag has been split mainly into patreon username and patreon logo which is a white P in front of an orange background among other variations. Do not use this tag for images that simply have a reference to a page on Patreon, are a Patreon reward, or include the Patreon logo.


一个深受 YouTube 内容创作者、音乐家和网络漫画艺术家欢迎的众筹平台网站。它允许艺术家定期或按艺术品从粉丝或赞助人那里获得资金。由于它允许独立发布成人内容而几乎没有任何限制,因此引起了很多争议。

在 Danbooru 上,这应该用于 Patreon 的虚构表示,例如其吉祥物或尚不为人知的“-tan”。原始标签主要分为 patreon 用户名和 patreon 徽标(其中橙色背景前面有一个白色的 P)。请勿将此标签用于仅引用 Patreon 页面、作为 Patreon 奖励或包含 Patreon 徽标的图像。
类型 unknown
英文名 patreon
别名 페트리온