rory mercury

A character in the manga Gate. Also known as Rory the Reaper among the natives of Italica.

Age: 961
Occupation: Apostle of Emroy, the God of Darkness

As an apostle of Emroy she is granted immortality and gargantuan strength (she is able to wield the halberd she carries with utter ease). Her clothing is the formal attire of the followers of Emroy (which bears a striking resemblance to Goth-loli fashion).

作为艾美罗伊的使徒,她被授予不朽和巨大的力量(她能够完全轻松地挥舞着霍尔伯德)。她的衣服是艾姆罗伊(Emroy)追随者的正式服装(与哥特 - 洛利时尚(Goth-Loli)的时尚相似)。
类型 角色
英文名 rory mercury
日文名 ロゥリィ・マーキュリー
别名 rory mercury;ロゥリィ・マーキュリー;ロゥリィ・マーキュリー;ロゥリィ