sakamata chloe

A virtual youtuber from hololive 6th generation "holoX". Designed by Parsley-F.

While canonically an "orca girl", she does not have enough orca-like features to be tagged as such on Danbooru.
Note to wiki editors: Please do not link to "orca girl" wiki page, in order to prevent that tag from appearing in the Related Tags on the post edit form and being tagged incorrectly.


See post #4992241 for an example of her default costume and Parsley-F's tweet for the official reference sheet

She has medium-length grey hair with black streaks, red eyes and large breasts. She also has multiple spike and hoop ear piercing and an earclip.

Her regular hairstyle with her default outfit is wavy hair with double-parted center-flap braided bangs, decorated with crossing hairclips. She also got an additional official alternate hairstyle for her default outfit consisting of long straight hair with sidelocks, a side braid and additional hairclips.

Official costumes with a model
Costumes shared with other members


External links

The following tags implicate this tag: sakamata_chloe_(1st_costume), sakamata_chloe_(jirai_kei), and sakamata_chloe_(new_year) (learn more).

虽然她是典型的“逆戟鲸女孩”,但她没有足够的逆戟鲸特征,无法在 Danbooru 上被贴上这样的标签。
维基编辑请注意:请不要链接到“orca girls”维基页面,以防止该标签出现在帖子编辑表单的相关标签中并被错误标记。

请参阅帖子#4992241 以获取她的默认服装示例,以及 Parsley-F 的推文以获取官方参考表



以下标签暗示此标签:sakamata_chloe_(1st_costume)、sakamata_chloe_(jirai_kei) 和 sakamata_chloe_(new_year)(了解更多)。
类型 角色
英文名 sakamata chloe
日文名 沙花叉クロヱ
别名 ;沙花叉クロヱ;またまたさかまた;さかまた飼育日記;飼育日記