
Umamusume: Pretty Derby is a mobile game developed and published by Cygames featuring girls based on famous racehorses. The game was first announced in 2016 and was initially slated for a Fall 2018 release, only for development to start out from scratch; with the ultimate release date pushed back to Febuary 2021. A party game spinoff, Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Party Dash, was announced for a 2024 Worldwide.

The franchise received several anime adaptations, with the first season preceding the initial release date of the game in Spring 2018, and a second season coinciding with the game's release on Winter 2021. A third season featuring Narita Top Road aired in Fall 2023, and an anime film featuring Jungle Pocket was realeased on May 2024.

There is also the Umayon spinoff, which was a 4koma manga that was adapted in to a anime short in 2020, and the Umayuru spinoff which was released directly on Umamusume's YouTube channel in Fall 2022. On June 21 2023.

Anime adaptations

Manga adaptations


See Also

External Links

The following tags are aliased to this tag: uma_musume (learn more).

The following tags implicate this tag: umamusume:_beginning_of_a_new_era, umamusume:_cinderella_gray, umamusume:_party_dash, umamusume:_peace_peace_cepea_cepea_golshi-chan, umamusume:_road_to_the_top, umamusume:_star_blossom, umayon, and umayuru (learn more).

Umamusume: Pretty Derby 是一款由 Cygames 开发并发行的手机游戏,以著名赛马为主题的女孩游戏。该游戏于 2016 年首次发布,最初计划于 2018 年秋季发布,但开发工作却从头开始;最终发行日期推迟到 2021 年 2 月。一款派对游戏衍生作品《Uma Musume Pretty Derby: Party Dash》宣布将于 2024 年全球发售。

该系列获得了多部动漫改编作品,第一季在游戏于 2018 年春季首次发布之前发布,第二季则与游戏于 2021 年冬季发布同时进行。第三季以《Narita Top Road》为特色,于 2023 年秋季播出,第二季则于 2021 年秋季播出。以《口袋丛林》为主题的动画电影于 2024 年 5 月上映。

还有 Umayon 衍生作品,这是一部 4koma 漫画,于 2020 年改编为动画短片,以及 Umayuru 衍生作品,于 2022 年秋季直接在 Umamusume 的 YouTube 频道上发布。2023 年 6 月 21 日。

以下标签暗示此标签:umamusume:_beginning_of_a_new_era、umamusume:_cinderella_gray、umamusume:_party_dash、umamusume:_peace_peace_cepea_cepea_golshi-chan、umamusume:_road_to_the_top、umamusume:_star_blossom、umayon 和umayuru(了解更多)。
类型 unknown
英文名 umamusume
别名 ウマ娘;ウマ娘プリティーダービー;赛马娘;賽馬娘;우마무스메;말딸;Umamusume;フォロワーさんからイメージもらって自分をウマ娘化する;ウマ娘ガンダムダービー;北斗の拳ニンジン味;ウマ娘モータリゼーション;闪耀优俊少女;闪耀!优俊少女;优骏少女;グラップラー馬姫;ウマ娘百合ティーダービー